- Alleluias, Antiphons, Acclamations & Doxologies
- Christmas Music
- English Hymns or Motets
- Holy Week and Eastertide
- Instrumental
- Latin Motets
- Marian Pieces
- Mass Settings
- Voice(s) with instrumental accompaniment
Mandatum Antiphon II: The Lord Jesus after he had supped
Mandatum Antiphon II: The Lord Jesus after he had supped
Mandatum Antiphon III: Lord, dost Thou wash my feet?
Mandatum Antiphon III: Lord, dost Thou wash my feet?
Mandatum Antiphon IV: If I your Lord and Master
Mandatum Antiphon IV: If I your Lord and Master
Mandatum Antiphon V: By this shall all men know
Mandatum Antiphon V: By this shall all men know
O Saving Victim Opening Wide (both English & Latin)
O Saving Victim Opening Wide (both English & Latin)