Three Easter Motets (complete set)

Three Easter Motets (complete set)
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The Three Easter Motets set to music three remarkable Latin texts well suited to the calm, inward joy of the Paschal season. Motets I and II were inspired by two powerful scenes in the Gospel of John: the sudden appearance of the risen Christ through closed doors, bringing peace to the fear-shackled apostles (Jn 20:26, 29), and Saint Peter’s encounter with Jesus on the shore of the Sea of Tiberias, where the Lord offers Peter three opportunities to undo his threefold denial (Jn 21:15–17). Motet III sets a medieval Gallican prayer that captivated my imagination when I first came across it in Dom Guéranger’s Liturgical Year.
All three motets are meant to be sung a cappella.
Ideal for use in Paschaltide, but also for certain feasts of the Lord and of the apostles, especially St. Peter. The third of these motets is more general, talking about the Holy Eucharist offered in sacrifice.
RECORDINGS of these pieces will be found attached to the separate listings of each.