Mandatum Antiphons (Complete Set)

Mandatum Antiphons (Complete Set)
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During the ceremonial washing of men's feet on Holy Thursday, the choir or schola is instructed to sing several or all of the seven antiphons appointed in the Graduale Romanum (Solesmes ed., 1974, pp. 164–67) or a vernacular equivalent. Although the order of the seven antiphons displays a certain logic, there is no fixed number that must be sung or order in which they must be sung, and any antiphon may be repeated ad libitum.
In 2010, I set to music seven "Mandatum Antiphons" for SATB a cappella chorus, using the English text of The Plainchant Gradual, adapted by the Rev. G. H. Palmer and Francis Burgess, 2nd ed., rev. (Wantage: St. Mary’s Press, 1965; repr. by the Church Music Association of America, n.d.), pp. 125–28.
If a concert performance is envisioned, all of the antiphons should be sung, with all their parts and in their proper order.
The antiphons are available either separately or as a set.